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Back Pain

As one of the most common reasons why people seek chiropractic care, back pain can manifest in various forms, ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. Determining the type of discomfort—whether in the lower or upper back—helps identify the appropriate treatment. Lower back pain often results from misalignment in the lumbar region or the pelvis, while upper back discomfort can be linked to issues in the thoracic or cervical regions. It’s common for back pain to originate from more than one area.

Identifying the Cause

During the initial consultation, we gather comprehensive information about your lifestyle and daily activities to identify potential causes of your discomfort. Factors such as physical demands at work, sleeping habits, exercise routines, and even caring for children can all contribute to back pain. By understanding your specific situation, we can pinpoint whether your pain is due to a misalignment, muscle strain, or another underlying condition.

woman with low back pain

Effective Treatment Techniques

Our primary method of addressing back discomfort is through chiropractic adjustments, which help realign the spine and relieve pressure on affected areas. We also utilize the following:

  • Trigger Point Therapy: Releases tight muscles and alleviates pain
  • Intersegmental Traction Tables: Stretches and mobilizes the spine, promoting better alignment and reducing discomfort

For patients concerned about the safety of chiropractic adjustments, we assure a conservative approach using drop table techniques, which minimize twisting or thrusting movements. We also perform X-rays on all new patients to identify any underlying conditions and ensure safe and effective treatment.

Preventative Measures

In addition to our care, here are some things you can do to prevent discomfort:

  • Stretching to maintain flexibility
  • Using proper lifting techniques to avoid strain
  • Adopting good sleeping habits to support spinal health
  • Exercising to strengthen the back and core muscles
  • Avoiding prolonged periods of looking down at devices to prevent “tech neck”
hamstring stretch

Put Pain in Your Past Today

If you’re experiencing back discomfort or want to learn more about preventing it, contact Graham Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment.


Back Pain Pleasant Hills PA | (412) 655-8525